We deliver above expectations.

Our Mission behind this Initiative!

Over the years, we’ve encountered numerous businesses, big and small, hindered by limiting mindsets. Our mission is to empower every business with a growth mindset.

This consultation is open to all, regardless of budget constraints, and may be shared on public platforms for the benefit of all. Rest assured, confidentiality is paramount—we respect your brand’s privacy.

– Damanjit Singh, Anish Bansal

Why we named our company Unqualified Squad?

We believe in skills no matter what degree you have or what college you are from. You are valuable because of your skills.

By taking this Ideology we created an environment where everyone treats each other equally. Learn and grow together.

Our main focus is to provide the quality no one can match. Give value no one can give. Work as no one expected.

Creativity and helping nature is in our blood. We are Unqualifieds

– Damanjit Singh, Anish Bansal

How our consultation helped brands to grow?

Our Mission behind this Initiative!

Over the years, we’ve encountered numerous businesses, big and small, hindered by limiting mindsets. Our mission is to empower every business with a growth mindset.

This consultation is open to all, regardless of budget constraints, and may be shared on public platforms for the benefit of all. Rest assured, confidentiality is paramount—we respect your brand’s privacy.

– Damanjit Singh, Anish Bansal

Trusted by over 100+ Brands Worldwide


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